Results for: melody nixon interviews

Reaching a Pulse Point: Melody Nixon Interviews Rushi Vyas

Growing up in the suburban US, as a brown person in white suburbia, we are taught to make grief palatable. Expressions of sorrow are permitted, so long as we “move on” or “move forward.” There is the assumption that, no matter who it is that died or how they lived, once they are gone we are to only “remember the good times.”

Sentences Worth Keeping: Melody Nixon Interviews Sara Freeman

I was certainly interested in exploring the liminal spaces Mara inhabits (the seaside setting, the bar, hostel, and marina) and its workers and inhabitants, while also staying true to the protagonist’s more internal preoccupations: the recursive, often claustrophobic space of her mind.

The Personal (Essay) is Not Dead: an interview with Mensah Demary

The personal reinforces the physical world; collective crisis and reawakening are terms that all lead back to death—our anxiety in realizing our lives will end, and we cannot predict how, or when, and the mortal threat the physical world poses to us.

Topical Poetry: An Interview with Jonathan Moody

MELODY NIXON interviews JONATHAN MOODY Poetry can be used as a tool of activism whether you have military wives posting pictures of poems written on their naked bodies as a way to promote awareness of PTSD, or Cave Canem poets using social media to post video footage of them reading poems about police brutality.

The Overachieving Underachiever: An Interview with Benjamin Anastas

MELODY NIXON interviews BENJAMIN ANASTAS Of course, I was living the story out—I had no idea how things would resolve with my girlfriend, my writing life, my money crisis—so any ending I chose for the memoir would have to be provisional. Once my writing career is done and all of the books are lined up on the shelf, I expect that unresolved endings are going to be a common thread.

We Don’t Ride Reindeer Here: An Interview with Justin Taylor

MELODY NIXON interviews JUSTIN TAYLOR | I believe that all work is necessarily of its specific time. There’s just no getting around that, even if you’re consciously writing historical or speculative fiction. I’m not interested in zeitgeists, but I am interested in the way that people live, think, and speak; the technologies we use; our experience of ourselves and each other in everyday life.

Rethinking Utopia: An Interview with Rich Benjamin

MELODY NIXON interviews RICH BENJAMIN | I would definitely describe myself as a “journalist-adventurer.” I like to write about things that haven’t been written, and that require some form of mental and physical adventure. I don’t like to go on assumptions about what people think is going on.

Teach Issue 26

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