All posts tagged: Issue 26




This is a torn map of the forsaken world.
There are lines even wolves cannot cross.
Every voice an epitaph, then a little tune
from the neighbor’s garden apartment
suggesting a rondo, or circle of fifths.
Plato said the soul is a perfect circle.


Issue 26 of The Common

Issue 26 cover: light pink background with a turnip and greens

Issue 26 launches on November 6, 2023

Click here to purchase your print or digital copy, starting at just $8.

After November 6, browse the Table of Contents, including online exclusives, at

Love Issue 26’s portfolio of writing from the farmworker community? Donate to support The Common’s mission to feature new and underrepresented voices from around the world.

Interested in teaching Issue 26 in your class? Click here to explore your options and resources.

Issue 26 of The Common

The Common On Campus: November 9th and 10th

Issue 26 cover: light pink background with a turnip and greensThis fall, in its 26th issue, Amherst College’s award-winning literary magazine The Common will publish a special portfolio of writing and art from the farmworker and farm laborer community: the migrant, seasonal, and often immigrant laborers who make up much of the US agricultural workforce.

Co-edited by Miguel M. Morales, the portfolio includes work by twenty-seven contributors with roots in this community, most of whom started work in the fields as children. It reflects their diverse experiences—long hours and low pay, protests and picket lines, the fierce resilience of their families, the warmth of their communities, and the satisfaction of doing hard work will, among loved ones. 

The Common is a print and online literary journal with a mission to deepen our individual and collective sense of place: to reach from there to here. Since its debut in 2011, The Common has published nearly 1900 emerging and established authors from 53 countries, developed unique workshops and educational programs, and built a local and global community of writers and readers of all ages, all from our office in Frost Library. 

On November 9th and 10th, as a part of this mission, we will host two events on the Amherst College campus celebrating our Issue 26 farmworker portfolio and exploring the relationship between its questions of land, migration, and belonging and our home here in Western Massachusetts. Contributors Nora Rodriguez Camagna and Julián David Bañuelos, as well as portfolio co-editor Miguel M. Morales, will be guests at both events. 

The Common On Campus: November 9th and 10th