The Best American Poetry 2016, ed. Edward Hirsch, included Rowan Ricardo Phillips’ “The First Last Light in the Sky,” from The Common Issue 09.
All posts tagged: news
Lithub Features Ben Shattuck’s “There Once was a Dildo in Nantucket”
Literary Hub named Ben Shattuck’s “There Once was a Dildo in Nantucket,” from The Common Issue 10, as one of their top ten most read stories of the year.
Longform Features Kashana Cauley’s “The Electric City”
Longform features Kashana Cauley’s “The Electric City,” from The Common Issue 09 on their “Best of 2015” fiction list.
Gandy Dancer Reviews The Common
Gandy Dancer reviews The Common, noting that “underneath the contemporary feel of the journal is a charming thread of worldly tradition.”
Amherst College Reports on about Contemporary Arabic Literature
Amherst College covers a conversation in which panelists discuss the challenges and opportunities of translating and publishing Arabic literature.
MassLive (2015)
MassLive announces that Amherst College will match the NEA’s $10,000 grant to The Common to increase the magazine’s reach to students in 2015.
NEA Grant (2015)
NEA Grant 2015: In its first year of eligibility, The Common has been awarded a 2014 Artworks Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. NEA funds will help to bring The Common‘s place-based literature into classrooms around the country, to develop and promote its online presence, and to grow its readership. Starting in 2015, The Common will work vigorously to reach more students, of all ages, across the humanities and interdisciplinary fields such as architecture. The Common will also develop and promote its free, multimedia online content to a wider global readership.
The Amherst Bulletin (2015)
The Amherst Bulletin covers the NEA’s recent $10,000 grant to The Common, highlighting the magazine’s increasing presence in the classroom.
Gandy Dancer (2015)
Gandy Dancer reviews The Common, emphasizing a “tasteful unity that is certainly the result of the common thread.”
The Kenyon Review (2014)
The Kenyon Review Online interviews Editor in Chief Jennifer Acker about The Common and its new online features.