Al-Fadjr, an Algerian daily, covers The Common‘s growing international presence and work with Arab literature.
News and Events
Ammoun (2013)
Ammoun, the top news website in Jordan, features The Common‘s collaboration with Hisham Bustani.
Ammoun (2013)
Ammoun, the top news website in Jordan, features The Common‘s collaboration with Hisham Bustani.
Tahawolat (2013)
Tahawolat, a Lebanese culture and politics website, highlights Issue 06’s publication of stories from Hisham Bustani.
Riffle (2013)
Riffle covers The Common’s second annual celebration of place in NYC on “Riffle World Literature”.
Poetry Reading
Poetry Editor John Hennessy will be reading for Ashland Poetry Press from his new collection, Coney Island Pilgrims, at this year’s AWP Conference in Boston.
Thursday, March 7, 3 PM
Patricia Olson Bookfair Stage, Exhibit Hall A, Plaza Level, BF17
The Common and Electra Street Bring Lauren Groff to Abu Dhabi

Celebrating Dispatches
Free Copy of the 2012 Summer Fiction Issue

“Widening the World: Editors and Writers Discuss the Art of Bringing Far-Flung Places to Readers’ Fingertips”
This panel features Jennifer Acker, Curtis Bauer, Susan Harris, Aviya Kushner, and Anne McPeak in conversation about strategies for bringing international perspectives to the readers. Located in Room 103, Plaza Level.