AHMED SHEKAY The idea comes to mind of playing with memory, calling it up, and—when it begins to speak—changing the track; this game will help me pass the time, and maybe, by playing with my memory, I can come up with a solution to my death.
HISHAM BUSTANI It is May 2019, and at the moment there is a revolution in Sudan, and people, among them a great number of authors, have taken to the streets and squares, demanding the fall of a regime that has—like many of its “siblings”—weighed down on and repressed them for decades.
PETER MISHLER Single-headed. / Flowering inwardly. / Barely felt in the birth canal... / Cupped like a handful of sea uncertainly held. / Carried fire to the human encampment. / Herod in boyhood. / An herbicide. / Given name known to the weapons inspectors. / Anchorite.
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