
Podcast: Ellen Doré Watson on “In Which Raging Weather is a Gift”

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Transcript: Ellen Doré Watson Podcast. 

Ellen Doré Watson speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her poem “In Which Raging Weather is a Gift,” which appears in The Common’s spring issue. Ellen talks about the importance of letting a poem surprise you as the first draft comes together. She also discusses her thoughts on the revision process, her work translating poetry and prose, and the years she spent running the Smith College Poetry Center.  

Podcast: Ellen Doré Watson on “In Which Raging Weather is a Gift”

Podcast: Jane Satterfield on “Letter to Emily Brontë”

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Transcript: Jane Satterfield Podcast. 

Jane Satterfield speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her poem “Letter to Emily Brontë,” which appears in The Common’s spring issue. Jane talks about her longstanding interest in the Brontë sisters, and why this pandemic poem is directed to Emily in particular. She also discusses letter-writing as a structure for poetry, and reads another poem published in The Common, “Totem,” which reflects on a childhood memory through more adult understanding.

Jane Satterfield headshot next to issue 23

Podcast: Jane Satterfield on “Letter to Emily Brontë”

Podcast: Liesl Schwabe on “The Marching Bands of Mahatma Gandhi Road”

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Transcript: Leisl Schwabe Podcast. 

Liesl Schwabe speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her essay “The Marching Bands of Mahatma Gandhi Road,” which appears in The Common’s spring issue. Liesl talks about the time she spent in Kolkata, India listening to the mostly-Muslim marching bands perform at Hindu weddings and religious ceremonies, and what drew her to this subject. She also discusses the research, writing, and revision that went into this essay, her approach to teaching creative writing, and her next writing projects.

lies schwabe headshot next to cover of issue 23

Podcast: Liesl Schwabe on “The Marching Bands of Mahatma Gandhi Road”

Podcast: Ben Stroud on “Three Omens of Federico da Montefeltro”

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Transcript: Ben Stroud Podcast. 

Ben Stroud speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about his story “Three Omens of Federico da Montefeltro,” which appears in The Common’s spring issue. The story fictionalizes a moment in the lives of historical figures from fifteenth-century Italy. In this conversation, Ben talks about finding his interest in writing stories set in ancient and medieval times, and what kind of research and play is required to blend fact and fiction in those stories. He also discusses his process for revising his work and teaching creative writing.

headshot of Ben Stroud next to cover of Issue 23, green background with burned toast

Podcast: Ben Stroud on “Three Omens of Federico da Montefeltro”

Podcast: Anu Kumar on “The Woman in the Well”

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If you require a transcript or other accessible format, please contact us at info@thecommononline.org.

Anu Kumar speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her essay “The Woman in the Well,” which appears in The Common’s spring issue. Anu talks about the vivid memories from childhood that inspired this essay about ghosts, fear, family dynamics, and violence against women in India. She also discusses the revision process for the essay, her interest in writing women’s untold stories, and her current writing projects.

Headshot of Any Kumar next to the common's issue 23

Podcast: Anu Kumar on “The Woman in the Well”

Podcast: Suhail Matar on “Granada”

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Transcript: Suhail Matar Podcast.

Palestinian writer Suhail Matar speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about his story “Granada,” translated by Amika Fendi. The story appears in The Common’s new spring issue, in a special portfolio of Arabic fiction from Palestine. Suhail talks about the inspiration and process behind the story, which explores the complex ways in which Palestinians connect when they meet and interact abroad. Suhail also discusses the difficulties of translation, the history and modern realities of Palestinians living within Israel’s current borders, and his PhD work exploring how the brain processes and reacts to language.

Suhail Matar and ISSUE 23

Podcast: Suhail Matar on “Granada”

Podcast: Mark Kyungsoo Bias on “Adoption Day”

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Transcript: Mark Kyungsoo Bias Podcast.

Mark Kyungsoo Bias speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about his poem “Adoption Day,” which appears in The Common’s new spring issue. Mark talks about the inspiration and process behind the poem, which looks at issues like memory, immigration, and racism in post-9/11 America, all through the lens of a family experience. Mark also discusses his approach to language, sound, line breaks, and more, and the methods and techniques he’s found helpful in revising poetry. He reads two additional poems published in The Common: “Meeting My Mother” and “Visitor.”

issue 23 against mark kyungsoo bias

Podcast: Mark Kyungsoo Bias on “Adoption Day”

Podcast: Adrienne G. Perry on “Flashé Sur Moi”

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Transcript: Adrienne G. Perry Podcast.

Adrienne G. Perry speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her essay “Flashé Sur Moi,” which appears in The Common’s new spring issue. Adrienne talks about the questions that inspired this essay: questions about memory and friendship and coming of age, questions about what it means to desire someone and be desired, and what we do to appear desirable to others. She also discusses her approach to teaching creative writing, her interest in writing about place, and her current works-in-progress.

Image of Adrienne G. Perry's headshot and The Common's Issue 23 cover (toast on turquoise background).

Podcast: Adrienne G. Perry on “Flashé Sur Moi”

Podcast: Cheryl Collins Isaac on “Spin”

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Transcript: Cheryl Collins Issac Podcast.

Cheryl Collins Isaac speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about her story “Spin,” which appears in The Common’s new spring issue. “Spin” is about two Liberian immigrants making a new life in Appalachia. In this conversation, Cheryl talks about the inspiration behind this story: writing from music and toward beautiful, sensual language. She also discusses Liberia’s interesting cultural history, her writing and revision process, and what it’s like to do a writing residency in Edith Wharton’s bedroom.

Image of Cheryl Collins's headshot and the Issue 23 cover (piece of toast on turquoise background)

Podcast: Cheryl Collins Isaac on “Spin”

Podcast: Nathan Jordan Poole on “Idlewild”

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Transcript: Nathan Jordan Poole Podcast.

Nathan Jordan Poole speaks to managing editor Emily Everett about his story “Idlewild,” which appears in The Common’s new spring issue. In this conversation, Nathan talks about doing seasonal work at Christmas tree farms, the workers from all walks of life he met there, and how those experiences and those people helped to inspire this story. He also discusses his writing and revision process, his story collections and future projects, and why he chooses to write unromantically about rural life.

Image of Nathan Poole's headshot and the Issue 23 cover (piece of toast on turquoise background)

Podcast: Nathan Jordan Poole on “Idlewild”