Manhattan Love


the stars are dust on gray carpet
and a man with a newspaper beret
makes a wish on a rat

this city
will one day be ruled by fish
silent as the tombstone of myths
this girl with the red shoes
will one day
have bunions
and our necks that crane
to look for stars
like the insane do
gazing for new endings
in the fated
will one day
bend together
like kissing swans
and you’ll love me
through this wishy washy


Brigit Kelly Young’s poetry and fiction have appeared in journals that include Gargoyle MagazineDrunken Boat MagazineThe North American ReviewEclectica MagazineMidwestern Gothic and 2 River View.

Manhattan Love

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Brace Cove

Gulls cried at one another as they tumbled through the air, then settled on the water like sitting hens, drifting on the swell. Night was coming, but while daylight lasted, seals hauled themselves up on the exposed rocks to luxuriate in the winter sun.

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