This Frightening and Beautiful World: An Interview with Richard Michelson


Richard Michelson is a poet and children’s book author who has written sixteen children’s books and three books of poetry—More Money than God, Battles & Lullabies, and Tap Dancing for Relatives—as well as two fine press collaborations with the artist Leonard Baskin. Michelson’s poetry has been published in many anthologies, including The Norton Introduction to Poetry, and has appeared in The Harvard Review, The Massachusetts Review, Parnassus, and Issue No. 09 of The Common. He has served two terms as Poet Laureate of Northampton Massachusetts and in 2009 he received both a Sydney Taylor Gold and Silver Medal from the Association of Jewish Librarians, becoming the only author so honored in AJL’s 47-year history. Most recently, Michelson was awarded the 2016 Poetry Fellowship by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

This Frightening and Beautiful World: An Interview with Richard Michelson

A WOW! Experience



The trampoline park is a long windowless building of springy room-sized black boxes, filled with the dusty chemical smell of partially sanitized grime. Fluorescent light scatters down on us from the rafters, and toddlers shimmy along to Van Halen’s “Jump.” There is a pit of foam blocks, a row of basketball hoops low enough for children to make trampoline-assisted slam dunks, and a dodge ball court that I have rented with university funds for the amusement of my eighteen and nineteen-year old college students. We have been told by the trampoline park’s welcome email to expect “a WOW! experience” as well as the possibility of death, a known risk for which we cannot sue.

A WOW! Experience

The Village Idiot


Translated by ALICE GUTHRIE


We awoke one morning to news of a death. The person we had lost was the one we used to call the Village Idiot—that buffoon who used to make us laugh and cry at the same time, that leaping, dancing ball of energy who would hurl himself around, wild with enthusiasm, stomping on our toes and crashing into us as he went gesticulating by.

The Village Idiot

April 2016 Poetry Feature

This month we welcome new contributors Sria Chatterjee, Marc Vincenz, and Laurie Rosenblatt, and we’re happy to publish new work by Ned Balbo once more.

April 2016 Poetry Feature

Spring, New York: Pt. 2


This is the second part of a two-part Dispatch. The first part is available here

I navigate by haphazard emotion, glancing over the wonderful cards that describe the provenance of the art, the investments of the rich across centuries. Willem Claesz Heda’s “Still Life with Oysters, a Silver Tazza, and Glassware” has what the title says it has and also a stamped checkerboard knife fitted for Old Dutch clutches, Schermerhorns buying up property on the docks of New York, New Amsterdam, monochrome banquet pieces slapped onto walls like flatscreens, overturned chalices and cutlery, tarnish and husk, the bitter translucent lemon dripping gold leaf citrus, succulent on the table, the pip as acidic as the pupils in my eyes.

Spring, New York: Pt. 2

Spring, New York: Pt. 1


This is the first part of a two-part Dispatch. The second part is available here

“Beginnings are always delightful; the threshold is the place to pause. 

My luggage trips over the pavement and the brownstone bella vista is dappled by trees I will soon learn are called Callery Pears, the ones that smell of semen, vulgar but pleasing, high on the listicle of “Disgusting Smelling New York Trees, Ranked,” a sign that I have finally arrived in Brooklyn in proper spring, the jizzy crush of it.

Spring, New York: Pt. 1

Review: Tram 83

Reviewed by ANGELA AJAYI

Tram 83

After I finished reading Tram 83the debut novel by Congolese writer Fiston Mwanza Mujila, a quote from journalist Adam Hochschild’s book, King Leopold’s Ghost, haunted me, and I went in search of it. With just a few lines, he laid bare the long-term effects of colonization on Congo:

From the colonial era, the major legacy left to Africa was not democracy as it is practiced today in countries like England, France and Belgium; it was authoritarian rule and plunder. On the whole continent, perhaps no nation has had a harder time than Congo in emerging from the shadow of its past.

Review: Tram 83

Friday Reads: April 2016



Politics and history crackle through the plotlines of our recommended books this month, as we travel the world experiencing struggle and mourning in a many-layered collage of contexts. Here are four varied works of “healing imagination,” as books both simple and unconventional examine trauma unflinching and then look to what happens next.


Nora Webster by Colm Toibin, Book of Ruth by Robert Seydel, The Association of Small Bombs by Karan Mahajan, Jam on the Vine by LaShonda Katrice Barnett

Friday Reads: April 2016

Issue 11 Art

A compilation of the Visual Art from Issue 11.

Metallic face sculptures

All What Will Remain. Photography. Bahaa Souki.

CollageToy Men—Plastic Women. Mixed media on wood, 84 x 69 cm, 2012. Bahaa Souki.


Decision Keeper. Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2014. Bahaa Souki.

Painting-- man walking a dog

One Arm Man With His Dog. Oil on cotton paper, 95 x 68 cm, 2015. Bahaa Souki.

Two people holding one another

Home, Part 1. Photography, 105 x 70 cm, 2013. Ons Ghimagi.

Two people sitting back to back

Home, Part 2. Photography, 105 x 70 cm, 2013. Ons Ghimagi.

Woman sitting against a wall on the phone

In the Mood for Love. Photography, 105 x 70 cm, 2013. Ons Ghimagi.

Sculpture of a figure010. Oil on canvas, 100 x 120 cm, 2004. Bader Mahasneh.

Figure sitting017. Archival print of 3 editions, 90 x 90 cm, 2010. Bader Mahasneh.

Painting TamimiUntitled. Acrylic on canvas, 175 x 95 cm, 2015.

Painting of three figures under an umbrella

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, 2015.

Figure in red

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, 2015.

Collage of children and birds

Child’s Message (1). Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2014.

Collage of child angels over building

Cold Breezes. Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2012.

Collage of children and buildings

Dialogue. Mixed media on canvas, 200 x 100 cm, 2015.

Photograph of dancers

The Original Fall. Photography. Bahaa Souki.

Issue 11 Art