When Not in Rome: Tips for Touring Middle Italy



Getting Around:

When your cousin offers to meet you at the airport and drive you to Abruzzo, don’t even pretend to defer. As you will learn from the passenger seat, to say “driving” in Italy is to say “a lot of close calls.” A tunnel on a two-lane road may admit just one car. Passing’s no fun senza risk. In small towns, main roads are closed on Sundays so neighbors can chat in the street. Memorize multiple routes.

When Not in Rome: Tips for Touring Middle Italy

Poetry at Amherst (A New Crop)

Event Date: 
Saturday, May 31, 2014 – 4:30pm6:30pm
Amherst College, Merrill Science Center, Lecture Hall 1
Perhaps it’s the close attention to reading, the classic New England landscape or reverberations in the air left by Dickinson and Frost. Whatever the reason, Amherst has long been a wellspring for poetry, and generations of Amherst alums have achieved remarkable success in the literary world. In this reading and discussion, moderated by Jennifer Acker ’00, founder and editor-in-chief of The Common, six emerging and established poets, critics, and essayists read from their work and talk about the ways their literary lives thread through Johnson Chapel and beyond. Featuring Rafael Campo ’87Rachel Nelson ’99Brian Simoneau ’99, and Tess Taylor ’99. A book signing will follow. Presented by the Class of 1999.
Poetry at Amherst (A New Crop)

Touring History


lights and palm trees

Disposable ponchos and white tennis shoes, cotton ­beach dresses worn without bras, sunglasses dangling from nylon cords, and a way of walking that is, in spite of the gray sky and the drizzling rain, ponderous. On a whole, they are younger than I expected, larger, and much more interested in cover bands. Almost all of them are couples. 

Touring History

Why I Love the MFA


James Franco
I love MFA programs, because they are a purified space where the love of art is nourished.


This is an essayistic love poem written to MFA programs. It is a form that I learned from my mentor, Frank Bidart. Frank is a poet, but he is also a lover of film, acting, theater, music, pop-culture, Hollywood history, food, and sex.

Frank is old and doesn’t have sex anymore. At least I don’t think he does. But his poems are full of deep life, and sexual connotations.

Why I Love the MFA

A Textile Guide to the Highlands of the Chiapas


All around the Parque Central of San Cristóbal de Las Casas there were women in traditional dress. Sometimes they were standing in line. Sometimes they clustered together looking inward at each other. One of them standing in a long line of similarly dressed women told me, “We are here for the government.” There was a uniformed guard who seemed to be looking after them. He told me they had been bused to the city for the government.

A Textile Guide to the Highlands of the Chiapas

On the Emergence of Native American Literature: An Interview with Ron Welburn


Ron Welburn

Ron Welburn is a Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he teaches American Literature, Native American Literature, and American Studies. His ancestors include Gingaskin and Assateague from the Delmarva Peninsula, Cherokee, Lenape, and African American. Professor Welburn received a B.A. in both Psychology and English from Lincoln University, an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona, and a Ph.D. in American Studies from New York University.His research and teaching interests include ethnohistory of eastern Native America, cultural studies, and jazz studies. S. Tremaine Nelson spoke with Ron over the phone about poetry, New York City, and two authors whom they both very much admire, Ralph Ellison and Leslie Marmon Silko. Ron’s poems “Seeing in the Dark” and “When You Know a Hard Sky” appear in Issue 06 of The Common.  

On the Emergence of Native American Literature: An Interview with Ron Welburn

Review: In the Low Houses

Reviewed by SARAH WETZEL

In the Low Houses

Most of us have been damaged or done damage to someone we love. Perhaps we fell into an affair, abused alcohol or drugs, or turned our backs on commitment. Who has not awakened at three a.m. to find the grinning demon of shame at the foot of the bed? If we are honest, we acknowledge our fears and dependencies, discern our selfishness and jealousies.If we are lucky, we forgive and find some sort of redemption, hopefully without spending too many nights with our mouths to a half-empty bottle of bourbon. In Memphis poet Heather Dobbins’ first full-length collection of poetry, In the Low Houses, published this year by Aldrich Press, there is a bottle of bourbon. Also marriage, infidelity, and death. There are graves, literal and metaphorical, and if, as T.S. Eliot suggested, our only superiority to the past is that we can contain it and be enlarged by it, there is something good growing in Tennessee.

Review: In the Low Houses

On the Subway: the Comfort of Fingers Entwined


My mother’s last remaining sibling is dying, and quickly, it now seems. I received the call last night from my mom and exchanged emails this morning with my cousin but didn’t really have time to think about it until the subway ride in from Brooklyn to Grand Central this morning.She is walking, still, and planning a trip to the San Diego beach in June (it keeps Eros alive, my uncle once told me with a wink, and in a case of too-much-information to share with a niece) but one eye won’t quite open and her speech isn’t coming out correctly and the body of my aunt Stana seems to be collapsing, her skin folding over itself, in response to the cancer.

On the Subway: the Comfort of Fingers Entwined