All posts tagged: Jennifer Acker

LitFest 2025: Recapping A Milestone Celebration

With guest talks from physician Dr. Anthony Fauci and actor Jeffrey Wright, student and alumni readings, and a birthday party for The Common, this year’s 10th-anniversary LitFest was a celebratory occasion. From February 28 to March 2, 2025, attendees flocked to sold-out events in Amherst College’s Johnson Chapel, went behind the scenes with award-winning writers like Percival Everett, read poetry in the shadow of Emily Dickinson’s house, and celebrated the life and legacy of Amherst’s literary community. 

Read on for a gallery of selected images and videos from LitFest 2025, and view all the event recordings here.

The Common’s 15th Birthday Party!

Acker and Elliott address a crowded foyer from the staircase.

Founder and Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Acker and Amherst College President Michael Elliott raise a toast to The Common.

One highlight of the busy weekend was a champagne toast honoring The Common’s 15th year in print. Complete with cakes decorated as some of our iconic issue covers, the gathering celebrated The Common’s growth over the past decade-and-a-half into the thriving hub for international and emerging literary voices that it is today. 

A spread showcasing the magazine greeted guests as they arrived.

Each of the magazine’s 28 (and counting!) issues features an object from one of its stories or essays on the cover.

The Common’s 15th anniversary tote bags, designed by one of our interns and featuring sketches of objects from our issue covers, were on full display.

Everett smiling holding a TC tote bag.

Later in the weekend, Everett led a masterclass for Amherst College students on the craft of fiction.

Jefferson smiling with a TC tote bag on his shoulder.

In a panel discussion about American Fiction, Jefferson gushed about the influence of Everett’s Erasure on the film.

Percival Everett, author of James and other acclaimed novels, was a fan of The Common’s new merch, as was Cord Jefferson, writer and director of American Fiction!

Wright smiling holding a TC tote bag, flanked by two TC interns.

Wright, who starred in American Fiction, fielded countless photo requests from fans over the course of the night.

In between rounds of drinks and hors d’oeuvres, TC interns also got a chance to chat with renowned creatives about their craft, like actor and Amherst College alumnus Jeffrey Wright.

The Common’s full-time staff and student interns are, from left to right: Literary Editorial Fellow Sam Spratford, Editorial Assistants Alma Clark, Kei Lim, and Aidan Cooper, and Managing Editor Emily Everett (back); Editor-in-Chief Jen Acker, and Editorial Assistants Sarah Wu, Sophie Durbin, and Siani Ammons (front).


Readings from The Common’s Interns and Amherst College Alumni

On Saturday, March 1, Editorial Assistants at The Common read excerpts from their prose and poetry alongside Amherst College alumni who had recently published their first book. The reading was followed by a brief conversation with the alumni, who offered advice for current students.

Sam Spratford ’24 (Literary Editorial Fellow) gave introductory remarks, followed by readings from Kei Lim ’25 (David Applefield ’78 Fellow), Sarah Wu ’25, Alma Clark ’25, and Aidan Cooper ’26.

 Conversations With Dr. Anthony Fauci and Teju Cole

Cole signing one of his novels for a fan.

Tremor uses non-linear narration as it follows the life of Tunde, a West African man teaching photography in New England.

LitFest 2025 featured three sold-out events in Amherst’s Johnson Chapel. One of them, a Q&A with photography critic, novelist, and multidisciplinary scholar and professor Teju Cole, was moderated by The Common’s very own Jennifer Acker. Teju shared his perspective on autofiction in the context of his most recent novel, Tremor, and his signature intermingling of photography and prose in his myriad essays and criticism. (Cole’s first experiment with pairing text and images was published in The Common in 2015.)
Acker addressing the crowd from a podium with large purple banners behind her reading "LitFest" and "Amherst College".

Acker likened Fauci’s efforts to unite the public via science to The Common‘s mission to build global literary community.


Perhaps the most anticipated event of LitFest 2025 was a talk by Dr. Anthony Fauci about his career in public service, as told in his new memoir, On Call. In her opening remarks, Jennifer Acker reflected on the significance of his visit to LitFest:

”One of my motives for developing LitFest at Amherst was a desire to bring people together, to build a bulwark against forces that push us apart. Since Covid, we have unfortunately become more broken as a society, but when I think back to those days of 2020, 2021, and 2022, while I remember the isolation, I also remember communal, uplifting moments that stand out like stars against an otherwise black night sky. And one of those moments was watching and listening to Dr. Tony Fauci […] When Dr. Fauci took the microphone, we uttered a collective sigh of relief. We thought ‘Here’s someone who’s going to tell it to us straight.’”

Fauci shaking Murphy's hand at the end of the Q&A.

Fauci spoke about how his upbringing in an Italian Catholic family in Brooklyn profoundly shaped his worldview.


Dr. Fauci both took to and left the stage with prolonged standing ovations from the audience. You can view his full conversation with TC Board Member Cullen Murphy ’74 here.

Thank you to Amherst College and all who made this milestone LitFest such a memorable one! The Common is delighted to have now officially kicked off our 15th anniversary year. Stay tuned for more celebrations in the coming months.

LitFest 2025: Recapping A Milestone Celebration

Am I a Fraud? Are We All? An Interview with Aparna Nancherla

Jennifer Acker and Aparna Nancherla talking at Amherst College's LitFest.

Photo courtesy of Jesse Gwilliam | Amherst College

APARNA NANCHERLA is in a class of her own. A writer, comedian, actor, and podcast host, Nancherla returned to her alma mater, Amherst College, for a conversation with The Common’s editor-in-chief, JENNIFER ACKER, during LitFest 2024. The two discussed her diverse creative portfolio, standup as a mode of self-expression, and her newest memoir-in-essays, Unreliable Narrator: Me, Myself, and Imposter Syndrome. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. For a recording of their full conversation and more about LitFest, visit the Amherst College website.

Am I a Fraud? Are We All? An Interview with Aparna Nancherla

It’s a Gift to Be Alive: Jennifer Acker interviews Hannah Gersen

Hannah Gersen and Jennifer Acker


HANNAH GERSEN is a novelist whose fiction ranges from the strictly realist to the gently speculative. Her first novel, Home Field, is a deeply felt story about family and grief in rural Maryland, described as Friday Night Lights meets My So-Called Life. Her second, most recent novel, We Were Pretending, leaps into today’s most pressing crises–climate change, the creep of technology–through the lens of Leigh Bowers, an at-sea single mom trying to secure a better future for her daughter and a better death for her mother, who is dying of cancer. It’s beautifully written, imaginative, and elegiac with surprising twists and turns.

It’s a Gift to Be Alive: Jennifer Acker interviews Hannah Gersen

Jacinta Murrieta

Translated by JENNIFER ACKER, with thanks to Luis Herrera Bohórquez

Para Violante, en sus primeros meses

I met Jacinta in the migrant camp where we grew up. I remember that it was the beginning of June, a few days into the start of the harvest. At that time, Jacinta had lived for nine springs—she was two years younger than me—and for obvious reasons she still used her given last name, López del Campo. Those of us who saw her timidly climb the stairs and enter the last shack, which served as our classroom, with her butterfly notebook pressed to her chest and her gaze glued to her sun-toasted legs, never imagined that in less than ten years she’d be proclaimed the artistic heir to Joaquín Murrieta, a figure shrouded in dust but fondly remembered within the Mexican communities settled in the central lands of California.

Jacinta Murrieta

Poetry Feature: Poems from the Immigrant Farmworker Community


This fall, half of The Common’s new issue will be dedicated to a portfolio of writing and art from the farmworker community: over a hundred pages filled with the stories, essays, poems, and artwork of immigrant agricultural workers. The portfolio, co-edited by Miguel M. Morales, highlights the work of twenty-seven contributors with roots in this community.

An online portfolio will also accompany the print issue, giving more space for these important perspectives. This feature is the first of several that will publish throughout the fall. Click the FARMWORKER tag at the bottom of the page to read more, as pieces are added.

Poetry Feature: Poems from the Immigrant Farmworker Community

Let Me Open the Window: Valeria Luiselli in conversation with Jennifer Acker at LitFest 2023 

Jennifer Acker and Valeria Luiselli sitting on stage sitting in leather seats with a bouquet of flowers between them,

After thirty-six hours of travel, VALERIA LUISELLI arrived at Amherst College LitFest on a freezing Saturday night just in time to speak with The Common’s editor-in-chief JENNIFER ACKER. Their conversation explored the capacity of memory to shape geography, the relationship between language and home, and the architecture of a book. Luiselli also spoke with honesty and ardor about her research in and around the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and her experience as a legal translator for refugees, experiences informing her acclaimed novel Lost Children Archive. This interview is an edited and condensed version of the live conversation; read more about LitFest, and watch a video of the full conversation online

Let Me Open the Window: Valeria Luiselli in conversation with Jennifer Acker at LitFest 2023 

Belonging Is a Complicated Thing: An Interview with Viet Thanh Nguyen


a conversation between jen and Viet Thanh Nguyen
Viet Thanh Nguyen visited Amherst College in February 2022 in the joint roles of Presidential Scholar and LitFest headliner. In his live conversation with The Common’s editor-in-chief Jennifer Acker, he deployed humor and refreshing honesty to discuss his path to publishing his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Sympathizer and its best-selling sequel The Committed. The conversation touched on the complexities of Vietnamese diasporic identity as well as his desire to expand the world of literature to encompass critical thought, breaking through the traditional literary bubble to allow for politics, history, and more. This interview is a collaboration between The Common and Amherst College’s LitFest and is an edited and condensed version of the live conversation.

Belonging Is a Complicated Thing: An Interview with Viet Thanh Nguyen

Pandemic Poets: A Conversation with Tess Taylor and Dana Levin


On October 21st, 2020, Editor in chief Jennifer Acker moderated a brief reading and conversation between acclaimed poets Tess Taylor and Dana Levin on the importance of place, resiliency, and writing during the pandemic. The virtual event, which served as a fundraiser to celebrate The Common’s 10th publishing year and launch the place-based magazine into its second decade, was streamed live via Left Bank Books in St. Louis. Below is a transcript of the discussion that followed the readings. 

Pandemic Poets: A Conversation with Tess Taylor and Dana Levin

The Common Statement



In 1969, my grandfather gave the keynote address to the Master Brewers Association of America. He was not a brewer himself, but he had worked thirty years as a consultant to the industry, and by this time he had provided advice to breweries in every state of America and seventy countries.

The title of his speech was “How to Make Beer That Sells—with What You’ve Got!” He focused first on the importance of quality and outlined the industry standards: 1) Beer must be “clean and pleasing in flavor” as well as 2) “pleasing in appearance”; and 3) “it should not vary in flavor or appearance from day to day.” While beer drinkers today, myself included, wouldn’t agree with his definition of “pleasing” as “a complete absence of distinctive flavor components,” I suppose he can be forgiven for being at the mercy of the era’s bland American palate. As an industrial engineer, his main focus was on cleanliness, efficiency, and reproducibility; he did not seek to be a tastemaker, nor did he encourage this in his clients.

The Common Statement

Pandemic Poetics: Hope, Resilience, and Poetry in the Time of Lockdown


Image of three headshots: Tess Taylor, Jennifer Acker, and Dana Levin

On October 21, join The Common for a conversation about poetics in the time of pandemic and the ecology of lockdown. Acclaimed poets Dana Levin and Tess Taylor will read new work and discuss the importance of place, hope, and resilience in their creative and personal lives in a conversation moderated by Editor in Chief Jennifer Acker. This event is a fundraiser to celebrate The Common’s 10th publishing year and launch the place-based magazine into its second decade. Join us for stirring poetry and thoughtful talk!

Pandemic Poetics: Hope, Resilience, and Poetry in the Time of Lockdown